Evaporative cooling pads are a critical component of evaporative cooling systems. When functioning properly, the pads can help evaporative cooling systems obtain temperature drops of 25ᵒF or more. These systems are most effective in hot, dry climates. Humid areas like the Midwest U.S. still benefit from these systems with typical temperature drops between 10 and 15ᵒF.
Evaporative cooling systems work by causing the water to go from liquid to steam which evaporating water and pulling it through an area. The evaporative cooling pads are the most expensive, consumable part of these systems. The most common reason for pad replacement is mineral build-up.
Mineral build-up on in the system and on pads can cause clogged headers so water does not flow. The minerals will also plug the evaporative cooling pads, so air does not flow through and they do not work. The mineral build-up will also shorten the life of the system by weighing down and deforming pads and making the fans work harder. The only product we have found that removes minerals from headers and pads without needing to shut down is Powder Descaler.
Powder Descaler is a concentrated powder additive that removes mineral scale from evaporative cooling pads. Just 4-pounds of Powder Descaler for every 100-gallons of water will keep evaporative cooling pads clean for up to 2 weeks with no wash required. Powder Descaler will also remove stubborn mineral deposits in the water storage system, pumps, headers/water nozzles, spray deflectors, and drains.
Clean evaporative cooling pads will work more effectively and last longer. Using Powder Descaler will protect your investment and make the entire system last.
Features and Benefits of Powder Descaler:
- Only 4 pounds of Powder Descaler for every 100 gallons of water will last up to 2 weeks
- No wash required
- Removes all mineral scale
- Low-foam wetting agents to improve cleaning and rinsing efficacy in a variety of conditions
For more information on Powder Descaler, visit the webpage or contact us.