Welcome to the NEW DeVere Website
The new site has a number of NEW features including:
- Ability to Save and Share Product Wishlist (click on ‘Add to Wishlist’)
- Share to Social Media (Facebook, X/Twitter, Pinterest)
- Share by eMail
- Ability to Save/Share/Reorder Cart (Click on ‘Save Cart’ button)
- Share by eMail
- Send Link to Shared Cart
- Save to Account for later recall and/or Reorder
- Ability to have multiple Billing and Shipping addresses
- Ability to search the site
- By product name
- By product SKU
- By product tags
- Multiple Payment Methods
- Paypal
- Stripe
- Restricted Access Distributor Area
- Ability to Upload Documents to DeVere
- Ability to Download Documents (specs, tech docs, etc.) from DeVere